Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute
lose yourself in the commercial aesthetics of years past.
Russian Psychoanalytic Art Mystery
old and unsolved/unsolvable, many links broken. both "viral" content and people's knowledge of mental illness were very different in 2006.
Cliff Pickover's Reality Carnival
this website has been around for at least 17 years, looking exactly as it looks now. it's a science website on psychedelics. little details and secrets everywhere.
HTML Tags Memory Test
how many html tags can you name from memory?
City Guesser
guess the city from a first person video of someone walking around. see if your home country looks distinctly familiar, even if you've never been to the place shown in the video
The Whimsical Web
a list of websites with fun features
interior design from the 80s/90s/early 00s, very relaxing to look at for some reason
snippets from the old web, messages from the past
Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music
browse by subgenre and decade, great for discovering
Garbage Day, a newsletter about having fun online by Ryan Broderick
stories from various regions of the internet
Windows 93
non existent windows version simulated, full of little bits to explore
Guess my word
guess a word, with only alphabetical position clues. you can go for fastest time or for fewer guesses. changes every day, there are two difficulties.
Winamp Skin Museum
over 65000!! winamp skins from archive.org. some of my favorite styles are 2000's blobby-shiny, futuristic hi-fi system, minimalistic and handwritten
Tour 8800 Blue Lick Road
context here. it's a 3d tour of a house for sale that has an almost disturbing layout and amount of stuff in it. if you're the right kind of person for this you can waste hours here. find the cat, find the bathtub, find the cd by argentinian metal band almafuerte.
BlueMaxima's Flashpoint is a webgame preservation project
flash games and websites from a different era of the internet.
Fun web stuff

Convincing-looking 90s fonts in modern browsers
an interesting experiment
Remembering Windows 3.1 themes and user empowerment
bring back user customizable uis
- Why Japanese Web Design Is So… Different
- Digital gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet
Rediscovering the Small Web, by Parimal Satyal
what pushed me to finally make this page
- From context collapse to content collapse, by Nicholas Carr
- 🌱 My blog is a digital garden, not a blog, by Joel Hooks

great live performances. the hipster tiny desk, if you will.
Stoned Meadow of Doom
stoner rock albums. added value in the band/album names which tend to be hilarious.
Vapor Memory
from the channel description: explore the classic and modern sounds of the late Internet age (vaporwave, dreampunk, ambient, experimental electronic, psychedelia, alternative, industrial, darkwave, minimal synth, long etc.)

extremely 90s graphics
The Iconolog
huge collection of 32x32 icons, some of them are in this page
Lea Verou's CSS3 Patterns Gallery
cool patterns you can customize, they're made only using CSS
search gifs from archived geocities pages. a project by the internet archive.
Peachie's Collection of Cute Stuff
cute little gifs neatly categorized
CSS Tricks
so many interesting and helpful snippets
CSS Gradient
visual tool for making color gradients and generating the corresponding CSS (i never seem to remember the linear-gradient syntax)

- e
downloading textbooks and ebooks - a guide
what it says up there
the watch cartoon online (?)
more cartoons, but this one has a version of daria with all the original music, restored by fans (search for daria version 2)
movies and series
Awesome Piracy
way more links

Video channels
Pushing Up Roses
great reviews of old videogames and shitty television and movies.
you hate the military but suddenly you've watched 35 uninterrupted minutes of a man reviewing various military rations. that is the magic of steve.
Sabine Hossenfelder - Science without the gobbledygook
sabine tells it like it is. don't believe any science hype until you've heard her opinion on it.
Tom Scott
interesting places, science, linguistics, computing, random knowledge.
videos about interesting math bits.
LGR / LGR Blerbs
anyone who giggles at 3d font creation software on a windows 98 computer setup is just alright with me.
old and weird tech reviews.
Rescue & Restore
restoration of vintage toys and such. very satisfying to watch.
Odd Tinkering
also restorations, but this person does gaming consoles and if you haven't seen a yellowed gameboy return to pristine condition thanks to a combination of hydrogen peroxide and uv light, then what are you still doing here
Peaceful Cuisine
lovely cooking videos with no music, no talking, only gentle sounds (look for the ASMR tagged videos)
Brian David Gilbert
multitalented comedy person
science, but, like, weird? sadly not very active anymore